============ Contributing ============ Thanks for considering contributing to noggin, we really appreciate it! Quickstart: 1. Look for an `existing issue `_ about the bug or feature you're interested in. If you can't find an existing issue, create a `new one `_. 2. Fork the `repository on GitHub `_. 3. Fix the bug or add the feature, and then write one or more tests which show the bug is fixed or the feature works. 4. Submit a pull request and wait for a maintainer to review it. More detailed guidelines to help ensure your submission goes smoothly are below. .. note:: If you do not wish to use GitHub, please send patches to infrastructure@lists.fedoraproject.org. Development Environment ======================= Vagrant allows contributors to get quickly up and running with a Noggin development environment by automatically configuring a virtual machine. To get started, first install the Vagrant and Virtualization packages needed, and start the libvirt service:: $ sudo dnf install ansible libvirt vagrant-libvirt vagrant-sshfs vagrant-hostmanager $ sudo systemctl enable libvirtd $ sudo systemctl start libvirtd Check out the code and run ``vagrant up``:: $ git clone https://github.com/fedora-infra/noggin $ cd noggin $ vagrant up Next, SSH into your newly provisioned development environment:: $ vagrant ssh noggin where you can run the following commands:: $ noggin-restart $ noggin-stop $ noggin-logs $ noggin-start $ noggin-unit-tests The noggin web application should be running automatically. To access it, go to http://ipa.noggin.test:5000/ in the browser on your host machine to see the web application. http://ipa.noggin.test will give you access to the regular freeIPA webUI. Note that the ``/vagrant/`` folder contains the source of the git checkout on your host. Any changes to the files in that directory on the host will be automatically synced to the VM. Guidelines ========== Python Support -------------- Noggin supports Python 3.6 or greater. This is automatically enforced by the continuous integration (CI) suite. Code Style ---------- We follow the `PEP8 `_ style guide for Python. This is automatically enforced by the CI suite. We are using `Black `_ to automatically format the source code. It is also checked in CI. The Black webpage contains instructions to configure your editor to run it on the files you edit. Handle every possible case, and do so where it makes sense. Example: It's important to handle issues from talking to the IPA server, but show flashes in the Flask code, not the proxy/client code. Security -------- Remember to keep the code simple enough that it can be easily reviewed for security concerns. Code that touches security-critical paths must be signed off by **two** people. People who sign off are agreeing to have reviewed the code thoroughly and thought about edge cases. Tests ----- The test suites can be run using `tox `_ by simply running ``tox`` from the repository root. All code must have test coverage or be explicitly marked as not covered using the ``# no-qa`` comment. This should only be done if there is a good reason to not write tests. Your pull request should contain tests for your new feature or bug fix. If you're not certain how to write tests, we will be happy to help you. Release Notes ------------- To add entries to the release notes, create a file in the ``news`` directory in the ``source.type`` name format, where the ``source`` part of the filename is: * ``42`` when the change is described in issue ``42`` * ``PR42`` when the change has been implemented in pull request ``42``, and there is no associated issue * ``Cabcdef`` when the change has been implemented in changeset ``abcdef``, and there is no associated issue or pull request. And where the extension ``type`` is one of: * ``bic``: for backwards incompatible changes * ``dependency``: for dependency changes * ``feature``: for new features * ``bug``: for bug fixes * ``dev``: for development improvements * ``docs``: for documentation improvements * ``other``: for other changes The content of the file will end up in the release notes. It should not end with a ``.`` (full stop). If it is not present already, add a file in the ``news`` directory named ``username.author`` where ``username`` is the first part of your commit's email address, and containing the name you want to be credited as. There is a script to generate a list of authors that we run before releasing, but creating the file manually allows you to set a custom name. A preview of the release notes can be generated with ``towncrier --draft``. Licensing --------- Your commit messages must include a Signed-off-by tag with your name and e-mail address, indicating that you agree to the `Developer Certificate of Origin `_ version 1.1:: Developer Certificate of Origin Version 1.1 Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 The Linux Foundation and its contributors. 1 Letterman Drive Suite D4700 San Francisco, CA, 94129 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1 By making a contribution to this project, I certify that: (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I have the right to submit it under the open source license indicated in the file; or (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source license and I have the right under that license to submit that work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part by me, under the same open source license (unless I am permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated in the file; or (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified it. (d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution are public and that a record of the contribution (including all personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with this project or the open source license(s) involved. Use ``git commit -s`` to add the Signed-off-by tag. Releasing --------- When cutting a new release, follow these steps: #. Update the version in ``pyproject.toml`` by running ``poetry version major|minor|patch`` depending on the contents of the release. #. Run ``poetry install`` to update the package's metadata. #. Add missing authors to the release notes fragments by changing to the ``news`` directory and running the ``get-authors.py`` script, but check for duplicates and errors #. Generate the release notes by running ``poetry run towncrier build`` (in the base directory) #. Adjust the release notes in ``docs/release_notes.md``. #. Generate the docs with ``tox -r -e docs`` and check them in ``docs/_build/html``. #. Commit the changes #. Push the commit to the upstream Github repository (via a PR or not). #. Change to the stable branch and cherry-pick the commit (or merge if appropriate) #. Run the checks one last time to be sure: ``tox -r``, #. Tag the commit with ``-s`` to generate a signed tag #. Push the commit to the upstream Github repository with ``git push``, and the new tag with ``git push --tags``. The tarball will be automatically published to PyPI, and a Github release will be created. #. Deploy and announce. Translations ------------ To extract the messages.pot that is in noggin/translations/messages.pot, use:: poetry run pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o noggin/translations/messages.pot noggin This will update the messages.pot with the newest strings that have been flagged in the templates and code. To add a new language, use the command:: poetry run pybabel init -i noggin/translations/messages.pot -d noggin/translations/ -l fr_FR To update all created languages with the newest strings in messages.pot, use:: poetry run pybabel update -i noggin/translations/messages.pot -d noggin/translations To compile the translations in updated .mo files into what noggin can use, use the command:: poetry run pybabel compile -d noggin/translations UI and themes ------------- Noggin has support for themes, have a look at the existing themes for inspiration. Some notes regarding our Content Security Policy: - inline ``