Setting up the Noggin server


In order to run a Noggin server in a virtual machine, we need to set up the following four files in the same directory.

├── Fedora-Cloud-Base-XX-A.B.x86_64.raw
├── main.cfg
└── main.yml

1 directory, 4 files

Sourcing Image

Download the most recent release of Fedora Linux Cloud Edition in the RAW extension.

Network Configuration

After replacing the variables mentioned below, the main.cfg file should look like the following.

  • IPv4 gateway - <GATEWAY_IPV4>

  • IPv4 address - <ADDRESS_IPV4_WITH_SUBNET>

  • IPv4 DNS servers - <DNSLIST_IPV4>

  • DHCP on IPv4 - Disabled

  • DHCP on IPv6 - Disabled

Ensure that the <ADDRESS_IPV4> of the virtual machine running the FreeIPA server is accessible from the chosen network configuration here.

It is strongly recommended to have the virtual machine for the Noggin server set up in the same subnet as that of the virtual machine running the FreeIPA server to minimize latencies and possible performance inconsistencies.


  version: 2
  renderer: "NetworkManager"
      dhcp4: false
      dhcp6: false
      gateway4: "<GATEWAY_IPV4>"
          - "<DNSLIST_IPV4>"

Machine Configuration

After replacing the variables mentioned below, the main.yml file should look like the following.

  • Hostname - <HOSTNAME>

  • FQDN - <FQDN>

  • Name for administrator user - root

  • GECOS for administrator user - <ROOTMETA>

  • Password for administrator user - <ROOTPASS>

  • Disable administrator user account? - False

  • Name for default user - <USERNAME>

  • GECOS for default user - <USERMETA>

  • Password for default user - <USERPASS>

  • Disable default user account? - False

  • Sudo mode for default user - ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL

  • Public SSH key for default user - <PUBLIC_SSHKEY>

  • Groups for default user - wheel


preserve_hostname: false
hostname: "<HOSTNAME>"
fqdn: "<FQDN>"

    name: "root"
    gecos: "<ROOTMETA>"
    plain_text_passwd: "<ROOTPASS>"
    lock_passwd: false

final_message: |
  Operating system has been initialized
  Version: $version
  Timestamp: $timestamp
  Datasource: $datasource
  Uptime: $uptime

  - name: "<USERNAME>"
    gecos: "<USERMETA>"
    plain_text_passwd: "<USERPASS>"
    lock_passwd: false
    sudo: "ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"
      - "<PUBLIC_SSHKEY>"
      - "wheel"

  mode: auto
    - "/"
  ignore_growroot_disabled: false

Configuration Script

After replacing the variables mentioned below, the file should look like the following.

  • Specific hostname - nogginvirt

  • Environment name - main

  • Memory size (in MB, should be minimum 2048) - 4096

  • CPU count (should be minimum 2) - 4

  • Network configuration file location - <PATH_TO_MAIN_CFG>

  • Machine configuration file location - <PATH_TO_MAIN_YML>

  • Disk size (in GB, should be minimum 16) - 24G

  • Cloud image file location (in RAW) - <CLOUD_INPUT_IMAGE>

  • Output image file location (in RAW) - <CLOUD_OUTPUT_IMAGE>

  • Network interface binding name - <BINDNAME>

  • VNC port number - <DESKPORT>

  • Operating system variant - fedora-unknown




sudo qemu-img info $DESTIMEJ

sudo qemu-img resize $DESTIMEJ -f raw $DISKSIZE

sudo qemu-img info $DESTIMEJ

sudo \
  virt-install \
    --virt-type kvm \
    --os-variant fedora-unknown \
    --arch x86_64 \
    --name $SPECNAME-$EVMTNAME \
    --memory $MEMCOUNT \
    --cpu host-passthrough \
    --vcpus $CPUCOUNT \
    --disk $DESTIMEJ,device=disk,bus=virtio,format=raw,sparse=false \
    --graphics vnc,listen=,port=$VNCPORTN \
    --network model=virtio,bridge=$BRDGNAME \
    --cloud-init user-data=$INITFILE,network-config=$NTWKFILE \
    --import \


Setting up the virtual machine

  1. Ensure that the most recent release of Fedora Linux Cloud Edition is kept in a certain directory

  2. Ensure that the variables are suitably replaced in the configuration files kept in the same directory.

  3. Execute the configuration script start setting up the virtual machine.

    image: main.img
    file format: raw
    virtual size: 2 GiB (2147483648 bytes)
    disk size: 622 MiB
    Child node '/file':
        filename: main.img
        protocol type: file
        file length: 2 GiB (2147483648 bytes)
        disk size: 622 MiB
    image: main.img
    file format: raw
    virtual size: 24 GiB (25769803776 bytes)
    disk size: 622 MiB
    Child node '/file':
        filename: main.img
        protocol type: file
        file length: 24 GiB (25769803776 bytes)
        disk size: 622 MiB
    Starting install...
    Creating domain...
    Domain creation completed.
  4. Monitor the instantiation of the cloud installation using the following command.

    virsh console nogginvirt-main
  5. Connect to the instantiated cloud installation using the following command.


Installing and configuring a web server

  1. Choose a web serer compatible with the deployment environment preferences.

    Either configure an already used web server in the infrastructure

    Or elect to use Nginx which is the default for this documentation.

    sudo dnf install nginx --setopt=install_weak_deps=False

Setting up a Noggin installation

Noggin server can be installed on the cloud installation using one of the following three methods.

  • Installing from PyPI

  • Installing from Fedora Linux repositories

  • Installing from source

Installing from PyPI

  1. Execute the following command to install Noggin and Noggin Messages project from PyPI.

    pip3 install noggin noggin-messages
  2. Download the noggin.cfg.example file from here and copy it to the /etc/noggin directory as noggin.cfg file. Edit the variables (eg. the FREEIPA_* items to point to the FreeIPA server deployment.

  3. Download the nginx.conf file from here and copy it to the /etc/nginx/conf.d directory as nginx.conf. Make adjustments according to the deployment requirements (eg. HTTPS or not, certificates, domains etc.)

  4. Download the noggin.service file from here and copy it to the /etc/systemd/system directory as noggin.service.

    Adjust the ExecStart section to account for the installation environment, WSGI changes, IP address and port numbers.

    If Noggin was installed as the root user, change gunicorn location to /usr/local/bin/gunicorn in the unit file.

    If Noggin was installed as a normal user, change gunicorn location to /home/<USERNAME>/.local/bin/gunicorn in the unit file.

  5. Download the noggin.sysconfig file from here and copy it to the /etc/sysconfig directory as noggin.

Installing from Fedora Linux repositories

  1. Execute the following command to install Noggin package from the Fedora Linux repositories.

    sudo dnf install noggin
  2. Edit the configuration file for Noggin located in the /etc/noggin/noggin.cfg directory with the variables used for setting up the FreeIPA server (eg. the FREEIPA_* items) to point to the FreeIPA server deployment.

  3. Edit the web server configuration file named nginx.conf located in the /etc/nginx/conf.d directory and make adjustments according to the deployment requirements (eg. HTTPS or not, certificates, domains etc.)

  4. Edit the service unit file named noggin.service located in the /etc/systemd/system directory and make changes in the ExecStart section to account for the installation environment, WSGI changes, IP address and port numbers.

  5. Copy the noggin.sysconfig file from the deployment directory to the /etc/sysconfig directory as noggin.

Installing from source

  1. Download and extract the most recent tarball from the primary branch of the repository.

    tar -xvzf noggin_aaa-1.9.0.tar.gz
  2. Install poetry and virtualenv using the following command if not already installed.

    sudo dnf install poetry virtualenv --setopt=install_weak_deps=False
  3. Create and activate a virtual environment in the project directory.

    cd noggin_aaa
    virtualenv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install the project assets and its dependencies using the following command.

    (venv) poetry install --without-dev --extras deploy
  5. Copy the noggin.cfg.example file from the deployment directory to the /etc/noggin directory as noggin.cfg and add the variables used for setting up the FreeIPA server (eg. the FREEIPA_* items) to point to the FreeIPA server deployment.

  6. Copy the nginx.conf file from the deployment directory to the /etc/nginx/conf.d directory as nginx.conf and make adjustments according to the deployment requirements (eg. HTTPS or not, certificates, domains etc.)

  7. Copy the noggin.service file from the deployment directory to the /etc/systemd/system directory as noggin.service and adjust the ExecStart section to account for the installation environment, WSGI changes, IP address and port numbers. Change gunicorn location to /<PATH_TO_VIRTUALENV>/bin/gunicorn in the unit file.

  8. Copy the noggin.sysconfig file from the deployment directory to the /etc/sysconfig directory as noggin.

Allowing ports through the firewall

  1. Execute the following commands to allow the required ports through the firewall.

    sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
    sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=https --permanent
  2. Reload the firewall daemon to ensure that the changes thus made take effect.

    sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Starting the services

  1. Execute the following command to enable and start the Nginx and Noggin services.

    sudo systemctl enable --now noggin.service
    sudo systemctl enable --now nginx.service


For more information, take a look at the official Noggin documentation.