Source code for noggin.controller.password

import datetime
import random
import string
from smtplib import SMTPRecipientsRefused

import jwt
import python_freeipa
from flask import (
from flask_babel import _
from flask_mail import Message

from import ipa_admin, mailer
from noggin.form.password_reset import (
from noggin.representation.user import User
from import NoIPAServer, maybe_ipa_session, untouched_ipa_client
from noggin.utility import messaging
from noggin.utility.controllers import require_self, user_or_404, with_ipa
from noggin.utility.forms import FormError, handle_form_errors
from noggin.utility.password_reset import PasswordResetLock
from noggin.utility.token import Audience, make_password_change_token, read_token
from noggin_messages import UserUpdateV1

from . import blueprint as bp

def _validate_change_pw_form(form, username, ipa=None):
    if ipa is None:
            ipa = untouched_ipa_client(current_app, session)
        except NoIPAServer:
            raise FormError("non_field_errors", _("No IPA server available"))

    current_password =
    password =
    otp =

    res = None
        res = ipa.change_password(username, password, current_password, otp)
    except python_freeipa.exceptions.PWChangeInvalidPassword:
            _("The old password or username is not correct")
    except python_freeipa.exceptions.PWChangePolicyError as e:
    except python_freeipa.exceptions.FreeIPAError as e:
        # If we made it here, we hit something weird not caught above. We didn't
        # bomb out, but we don't have IPA creds, either.
            f'An unhandled error {e.__class__.__name__} happened while reseting '
            f'the password for user {username}: {e.message}'
        form.non_field_errors.errors.append(_('Could not change password.'))

    if res and res.ok:
        flash(_('Your password has been changed'), 'success')'Password for {username} was changed')
                {"msg": {"agent": username, "user": username, "fields": ["password"]}}
    return res

[docs] @bp.route('/password-reset', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def password_reset(): # If already logged in, redirect to the logged in reset form ipa = maybe_ipa_session(current_app, session) username = session.get('noggin_username') if ipa and username: return redirect(url_for('.user_settings_password', username=username)) username = request.args.get('username') if not username: abort(404) form = PasswordResetForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): with handle_form_errors(form): res = _validate_change_pw_form(form, username) if res and res.ok: return redirect(url_for('.root')) return render_template( 'password-reset.html', password_reset_form=form, username=username )
[docs] @bp.route('/user/<username>/settings/password', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @with_ipa() @require_self def user_settings_password(ipa, username): user = User(user_or_404(ipa, username)) form = PasswordResetForm() # check if an OTP token exists. If so, the user is using OTP. using_otp = bool(ipa.otptoken_find(o_ipatokenowner=username)["result"]) if not using_otp: form.current_password.description = "" if form.validate_on_submit(): with handle_form_errors(form): res = _validate_change_pw_form(form, username, ipa) if res and res.ok: return redirect(url_for('.root')) return render_template( 'user-settings-password.html', user=user, password_reset_form=form, activetab="password", using_otp=using_otp, )
[docs] @bp.route('/forgot-password/ask', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def forgot_password_ask(): form = ForgottenPasswordForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): username = lock = PasswordResetLock(username) valid_until = lock.valid_until() now = with handle_form_errors(form): if valid_until is not None and now < valid_until: wait_min = int((valid_until - now).total_seconds() / 60) wait_sec = int((valid_until - now).total_seconds() % 60) raise FormError( "non_field_errors", _( 'You have already requested a password reset, you need to wait ' '%(wait_min)s minute(s) and %(wait_sec)s seconds before you can request ' 'another.', wait_min=wait_min, wait_sec=wait_sec, ), ) try: user = User(ipa_admin.user_show(a_uid=username)['result']) except python_freeipa.exceptions.NotFound: raise FormError( "username", _("User %(username)s does not exist", username=username) ) token = make_password_change_token(user) # Send the email email_context = {"token": token, "username": username} email = Message( body=render_template("forgot-password-email.txt", **email_context), html=render_template("forgot-password-email.html", **email_context), recipients=[user.mail], subject="Password reset procedure", ) try: mailer.send(email) except ConnectionRefusedError as e: current_app.logger.error( f"Impossible to send a password reset email: {e}" ) flash(_("We could not send you an email, please retry later"), "danger") return redirect(url_for('.root')) except SMTPRecipientsRefused as e: current_app.logger.error(f"Could not send a password reset email: {e}") flash(_("Your email address is rejected by smtp server"), "danger") return redirect(url_for('.root')) if current_app.config["DEBUG"]: # pragma: no cover current_app.logger.debug(email) f'{username} forgot their password and requested a token' ) flash( _( 'An email has been sent to your address with instructions on how to reset ' 'your password' ), "success", ) return redirect(url_for('.root')) return render_template('forgot-password-ask.html', form=form)
[docs] @bp.route('/forgot-password/change', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def forgot_password_change(): token = request.args.get('token') if not token: flash('No token provided, please request one.', 'warning') return redirect(url_for('.forgot_password_ask')) try: token_data = read_token(token, audience=Audience.password_reset) except jwt.exceptions.DecodeError: flash(_("The token is invalid, please request a new one."), "warning") return redirect(url_for('.forgot_password_ask')) username = token_data["sub"] lock = PasswordResetLock(username) valid_until = lock.valid_until() now = if valid_until is None or now > valid_until: lock.delete() flash(_("The token has expired, please request a new one."), "warning") return redirect(url_for('.forgot_password_ask')) user = User(ipa_admin.user_show(a_uid=username)['result']) lpc = user.last_password_change if lpc is not None: lpc = lpc.isoformat() if lpc != token_data["lpc"]: lock.delete() flash( _( "Your password has been changed since you requested this token, please request " "a new one." ), "warning", ) return redirect(url_for('.forgot_password_ask')) form = NewPasswordForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): password = # Generate a random temporary number. temp_password = ''.join( random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=24) ) try: # Force change password to the random password, so that the password is not actually # changed to the given one in case the next step fails (because the OTP is wrong for # example) ipa_admin.user_mod(username, userpassword=temp_password) # Change the password as the user, so it's not expired. ipa = untouched_ipa_client(current_app, session) ipa.change_password( username, new_password=password, old_password=temp_password,, ) except python_freeipa.exceptions.PWChangePolicyError as e: lock.delete() flash( _( 'Your password has been changed, but it does not comply with the policy ' '(%(policy_error)s) and has thus been set as expired. You will be asked to ' 'change it after logging in.', policy_error=e.policy_error, ), 'warning', ) f"Password for {username} was changed to a non-compliant password after " f"completing the forgotten password process." ) # Send them to the login page, they will have to change their password # after login. return redirect(url_for('.root')) except python_freeipa.exceptions.PWChangeInvalidPassword: # The provided OTP was wrong f"Password for {username} was changed to a random string because " f"the OTP token they provided was wrong." ) # Oh noes, the token is now invalid since the user's password was changed! Let's # re-generate a token so they can keep going. user = User(ipa_admin.user_show(a_uid=username)['result']) token = make_password_change_token(user) form.otp.errors.append(_("Incorrect value.")) except python_freeipa.exceptions.FreeIPAError as e: # If we made it here, we hit something weird not caught above. current_app.logger.error( f'An unhandled error {e.__class__.__name__} happened while reseting ' f'the password for user {username}: {e.message}' ) form.non_field_errors.errors.append( _('Could not change password, please try again.') ) except NoIPAServer: form.non_field_errors.errors.append(_("No IPA server available")) else: lock.delete() flash(_('Your password has been changed.'), 'success') f"Password for {username} was changed after completing the forgotten " f"password process." ) messaging.publish( UserUpdateV1( { "msg": { "agent": username, "user": username, "fields": ["password"], } } ) ) return redirect(url_for('.root')) return render_template( 'forgot-password-change.html', username=username, form=form, token=token )