Source code for noggin.controller.registration

import datetime
import re

import jwt
import python_freeipa
from flask import (
from flask_babel import _
from flask_mail import Message
from translitcodec import codecs
from unidecode import unidecode

from import csrf, ipa_admin, mailer
from noggin.form.register_user import (
from noggin.l10n import guess_locale
from noggin.representation.user import User
from import NoIPAServer, maybe_ipa_login, untouched_ipa_client
from noggin.signals import stageuser_created, user_registered
from noggin.utility.controllers import with_ipa
from noggin.utility.forms import FormError, handle_form_errors
from noggin.utility.token import Audience, make_token, read_token

from . import blueprint as bp

# Errors coming from FreeIPA are specified by a field name that is different from our form field
# name. This dict maps one to the other. See the `cli_name` in
    "login": "username",
    "first": "firstname",
    "last": "lastname",
    "password": "password",
    "email": "mail",

def _send_validation_email(user):
    ttl = current_app.config["ACTIVATION_TOKEN_EXPIRATION"]
    token = make_token(
        {"sub": user.username, "mail": user.mail},
    valid_until = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=ttl)
    email_context = {
        "token": token,
        "user": user,
        "ttl": ttl,
        "valid_until": valid_until,
    email = Message(
        body=render_template("email-validation.txt", **email_context),
        html=render_template("email-validation.html", **email_context),
        subject=_("Verify your email address"),
    if current_app.config["DEBUG"]:  # pragma: no cover
    except ConnectionRefusedError as e:
        current_app.logger.error(f"Impossible to send an address validation email: {e}")
            _("We could not send you the address validation email, please retry later"),

def _handle_registration_validation_error(username, e):
    mo = re.match(r"^invalid '([^']+)': (.+)$", e.message)
    if mo:
        ipa_field_name =
        if ipa_field_name in IPA_TO_FORM_FIELDS:
            raise FormError(IPA_TO_FORM_FIELDS[ipa_field_name],
    # Raise a generic error if we can't do better
        f'An unhandled invalid value happened while registering user '
        f'{username}: {e.message}'
    raise FormError("non_field_errors", e.message)

[docs] def handle_register_form(form): username = now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0) common_name = f"{} {}" gecos = ( unidecode(codecs.encode(common_name, "translit/long")) .replace(" ", " ") .strip() ) # First, create the stage user. try: user = ipa_admin.stageuser_add( username,,, o_cn=common_name,, o_loginshell='/bin/bash', o_gecos=gecos, fascreationtime=f"{now.isoformat()}Z", faslocale=guess_locale(), fastimezone=current_app.config["USER_DEFAULTS"]["timezone"], fasstatusnote=current_app.config["USER_DEFAULTS"]["status_note"], )['result'] user = User(user) except python_freeipa.exceptions.DuplicateEntry: raise FormError( "non_field_errors", _( "The username '%(username)s' or the email address '%(email)s' are already taken.", username=username,, ), ) except python_freeipa.exceptions.ValidationError as e: # for example: invalid username. We don't know which field to link it to _handle_registration_validation_error(username, e) except python_freeipa.exceptions.FreeIPAError as e: current_app.logger.error( f'An unhandled error {e.__class__.__name__} happened while registering user ' f'{username}: {e.message}' ) raise FormError( "non_field_errors", _('An error occurred while creating the account, please try again.'), ) stageuser_created.send(user, request=request._get_current_object()) if current_app.config["BASSET_URL"]: return redirect(f"{url_for('.spamcheck_wait')}?username={username}") else: # Send the address validation email _send_validation_email(user) return redirect(f"{url_for('.confirm_registration')}?username={username}")
[docs] @bp.route('/register/spamcheck-wait') def spamcheck_wait(): username = request.args.get('username') if not username: abort(400, "No username provided") try: user = User(ipa_admin.stageuser_show(a_uid=username)["result"]) except python_freeipa.exceptions.NotFound: flash(_("The registration seems to have failed, please try again."), "warning") return redirect(f"{url_for('.root')}?tab=register") if user.status_note == "active": return redirect(f"{url_for('.confirm_registration')}?username={username}") return render_template('registration-spamcheck-wait.html', user=user)
[docs] @bp.route('/register/confirm', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def confirm_registration(): username = request.args.get('username') if not username: abort(400, "No username provided") try: user = User(ipa_admin.stageuser_show(a_uid=username)['result']) except python_freeipa.exceptions.NotFound: flash(_("The registration seems to have failed, please try again."), "warning") return redirect(f"{url_for('.root')}?tab=register") if current_app.config["BASSET_URL"] and user.status_note != "active": abort(401, "You should not be here") form = ResendValidationEmailForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): _send_validation_email(user) flash( _( 'The address validation email has be sent again. Make sure it did not land in ' 'your spam folder' ), 'success', ) return redirect(request.url) return render_template('registration-confirmation.html', user=user, form=form)
[docs] @bp.route('/register/activate', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def activate_account(): register_url = f"{url_for('.root')}?tab=register" token_string = request.args.get('token') if not token_string: flash( _('No token provided, please check your email validation link.'), 'warning' ) return redirect(register_url) try: token = read_token(token_string, audience=Audience.email_validation) except jwt.exceptions.DecodeError: flash(_("The token is invalid, please register again."), "warning") return redirect(register_url) except jwt.exceptions.ExpiredSignatureError: flash(_("This token is no longer valid, please register again."), "warning") return redirect(register_url) try: user = User(ipa_admin.stageuser_show(token["sub"])["result"]) except python_freeipa.exceptions.NotFound: flash(_("This user cannot be found, please register again."), "warning") return redirect(register_url) token_mail = token["mail"] if not user.mail == token_mail: current_app.logger.error( f'User {user.username} tried to validate a token for address {token_mail} while they ' f'are registered with address {user.mail}, something fishy may be going on.' ) flash( _( "The username and the email address don't match the token you used, " "please register again." ), "warning", ) return redirect(register_url) form = PasswordSetForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): with handle_form_errors(form): password = # First we activate the stage user try: ipa_admin.stageuser_activate(user.username) except python_freeipa.exceptions.FreeIPAError as e: current_app.logger.error( f'An unhandled error {e.__class__.__name__} happened while activating ' f'stage user {user.username}: {e.message}' ) raise FormError( "non_field_errors", _( "Something went wrong while creating your account, " "please try again later." ), ) # User activation succeeded. Send signal. user_registered.send(user, request=request._get_current_object()) # Now we set the password. try: # First, set it as an admin. This will mark it as expired. ipa_admin.user_mod(user.username, userpassword=password) # And now we set it again as the user, so it is not expired any more. ipa = untouched_ipa_client(current_app, session) ipa.change_password( user.username, new_password=password, old_password=password ) except python_freeipa.exceptions.PWChangePolicyError as e: # The user is active but the password does not match the policy. # Tell the user what's going to happen. flash( _( 'Your account has been created, but the password you chose does not ' 'comply with the policy (%(policy_error)s) and has thus been set as ' 'expired. You will be asked to change it after logging in.', policy_error=e.policy_error, ), 'warning', ) return redirect(url_for(".root")) except python_freeipa.exceptions.ValidationError as e: # for example: invalid username. We don't know which field to link it to _handle_registration_validation_error(user.username, e) except python_freeipa.exceptions.FreeIPAError as e: current_app.logger.error( f'An unhandled error {e.__class__.__name__} happened while changing initial ' f'password for user {user.username}: {e.message}' ) # At this point the user has been activated, they can't register again. Send them to # the login page with an appropriate warning. flash( _( 'Your account has been created, but an error occurred while setting your ' 'password (%(message)s). You may need to change it after logging in.', message=e.message, ), 'warning', ) return redirect(url_for(".root")) except NoIPAServer: raise FormError("non_field_errors", _("No IPA server available")) # Try to log them in directly, so they don't have to type their password again. try: ipa = maybe_ipa_login(current_app, session, user.username, password) except python_freeipa.exceptions.FreeIPAError: ipa = None if ipa: flash( _( 'Congratulations, your account has been created! Welcome, %(name)s.',, ), 'success', ) else: # No shortcut for you, you'll have to login properly (maybe the password is # expired). flash( _( 'Congratulations, your account has been created! Go ahead and sign in ' 'to proceed.' ), 'success', ) return redirect(url_for('.root')) return render_template('registration-activation.html', user=user, form=form)
[docs] @bp.route('/register/spamcheck-hook', methods=["POST"]) @csrf.exempt def spamcheck_hook(): if not current_app.config.get("BASSET_URL"): return jsonify({"error": "Spamcheck disabled"}), 501 data = request.get_json() if not data: return jsonify({"error": "Bad payload"}), 400 try: token = data["token"] status = data["status"] except KeyError as e: return jsonify({"error": f"Missing key: {e}"}), 400 try: token_data = read_token(token, audience=Audience.spam_check) except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError: return jsonify({"error": "The token has expired"}), 400 except jwt.InvalidTokenError as e: return jsonify({"error": f"Invalid token: {e}"}), 400 username = token_data["sub"] if status not in ("active", "spamcheck_denied", "spamcheck_manual"): return jsonify({"error": f"Invalid status: {status}."}), 400 result = ipa_admin.stageuser_mod(a_uid=username, fasstatusnote=status) user = User(result["result"]) if status == "active": # Send the address validation email _send_validation_email(user) return jsonify({"status": "success"})
[docs] @bp.route('/registering/', methods=["GET", "POST"]) @with_ipa() def registering_users(ipa): stage_users = ipa.stageuser_find()["result"] stage_users = [User(su) for su in stage_users] statuses = [ {"name": "", "title": _("All")}, {"name": "spamcheck_manual", "title": _("Unknown")}, {"name": "active", "title": _("Not Spam")}, {"name": "spamcheck_denied", "title": _("Spam")}, {"name": "spamcheck_awaiting", "title": _("Awaiting")}, ] for status in statuses: status["count"] = len( [ su for su in stage_users if status["name"] == "" or su.status_note == status["name"] ] ) status_filter = request.args.get("status", "") if status_filter: stage_users = [su for su in stage_users if su.status_note == status_filter] stage_users.sort(key=lambda u: u.creation_time) stage_users.reverse() form = RegisteringActionForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): username = action = try: user = [su for su in stage_users if su.username == username][0] except IndexError: flash(f"Unknown user: {username}", "danger") return redirect(request.url) if action == "accept": try:"Accepting registering user {username}") ipa.stageuser_mod(username, fasstatusnote="active") _send_validation_email(user) except Exception as e: form.non_field_errors.errors.append( f"Could not accept registering user {username}: {e}" ) else: flash(f"Accepted registering user {username}", "success") return redirect(request.url) elif action == "spam": try:"Flagging registering user {username} as spam") ipa.stageuser_mod(username, fasstatusnote="spamcheck_denied") except Exception as e: form.non_field_errors.errors.append( f"Could not flag registering user {username} as spam: {e}" ) else: flash(f"Flagged registering user {username} as spam", "success") return redirect(request.url) elif action == "delete": try:"Deleting registering user {username}") ipa.stageuser_del(username) except Exception as e: form.non_field_errors.errors.append( f"Could not delete registering user {username}: {e}" ) else: flash(f"Deleted registering user {username}", "success") return redirect(request.url) else: form.non_field_errors.errors.append(f"Invalid action: {action}") return render_template( "registering.html", statuses=statuses, stage_users=stage_users, form=form, filter=status_filter, )