Source code for noggin.form.validators

import re

from flask import current_app
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from wtforms.validators import Email as WTFormsEmailValidator
from wtforms.validators import Length, StopValidation, ValidationError

[docs] class Email(WTFormsEmailValidator): """Extend the WTForms email validator, adding the ability to blocklist email addresses """ def __call__(self, form, field): super().__call__(form, field) blocklist = current_app.config["MAIL_DOMAIN_BLOCKLIST"] domain ="@")[1] if domain in blocklist: raise ValidationError(_('Email addresses from that domain are not allowed'))
[docs] class PasswordLength: """Set defaults from the Flask config""" def __init__(self, message=None): self.message = message def __call__(self, form, field): validator = Length( min=current_app.config["PASSWORD_POLICY"].get("min", -1), max=current_app.config["PASSWORD_POLICY"].get("max", -1), message=self.message, ) validator(form, field)
[docs] def no_mixed_case(form, field): if != raise ValidationError(_("Mixed case is not allowed, try lower case."))
[docs] def validator_proxy(factory): """Proxy the validator through a factory to allow access to current_app.""" def _validate(form, field): validator = factory() return validator(form, field) return _validate
[docs] class StopOnError: def __init__(self, validator): self.validator = validator def __call__(self, form, field): try: self.validator(form, field) except ValidationError as e: raise StopValidation(str(e))
[docs] class BlockedPatterns(object): """Block values according to a list of patterns in the configuration.""" message = _('Field must not match "%(pattern)s".') def __init__(self, config_key=None): self.config_key = config_key def __call__(self, form, field): value = patterns = current_app.config[self.config_key] for pattern in patterns: if re.match(pattern, value): raise ValidationError(self.message % {"pattern": pattern})