Source code for noggin.utility.controllers

from functools import wraps
from urllib.parse import quote

import python_freeipa
from flask import abort, current_app, flash, g, redirect, request, session, url_for
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _

from noggin.representation.user import User
from import maybe_ipa_session

# A wrapper that will give us 'ipa' if it exists, or bump the user back to /
# with a message telling them to log in.
[docs] def with_ipa(): def decorator(f): @wraps(f) def fn(*args, **kwargs): ipa = maybe_ipa_session(current_app, session) if ipa: g.ipa = ipa g.current_user = User(g.ipa.user_find(whoami=True)['result'][0]) return f(*args, **kwargs, ipa=ipa) coming_from = quote(request.full_path) flash('Please log in to continue.', 'warning') return redirect(f"{url_for('.root')}?next={coming_from}") return fn return decorator
[docs] def require_self(f): """Require the logged-in user to be the user that is currently being edited""" @wraps(f) def fn(*args, **kwargs): try: username = kwargs["username"] except KeyError: abort( 500, "The require_self decorator only works on routes that have 'username' " "as a component.", ) if session.get('noggin_username') != username: flash('You do not have permission to edit this account.', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('.user', username=username)) return f(*args, **kwargs) return fn
[docs] def group_or_404(ipa, groupname): group = ipa.group_find(o_cn=groupname, fasgroup=True)['result'] if not group: abort(404, _('Group %(groupname)s could not be found.', groupname=groupname)) else: return group[0]
[docs] def user_or_404(ipa, username): try: user = ipa.user_show(a_uid=username)['result'] except python_freeipa.exceptions.NotFound: abort(404) if User(user).locked: abort(404) return user