Source code for noggin.utility.templates

import hashlib
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from flask import current_app
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from markupsafe import Markup

[docs] def gravatar(email, size): return ( current_app.config["AVATAR_SERVICE_URL"] + "avatar/" # We use MD5 to hash email addresses because uses that as a key. We could use # SHA256 instead if we limited ourselves to using + hashlib.md5(email.lower().encode('utf8')).hexdigest() # nosec + "?s=" + str(size) + "&d=" + current_app.config["AVATAR_DEFAULT_TYPE"] )
[docs] def undo_button(form_action, submit_name, submit_value, hidden_tag): """return an undo button html snippet as a string, to be used in flash messages""" undo_text = _("Undo") template = f""" <span class='ml-auto' id="flashed-undo-button"> <form action="{form_action}" method="post"> {hidden_tag} <button type="submit" class="btn btn-outline-success btn-sm" name="{submit_name}" value="{submit_value}"> {undo_text} </button> </form> </span>""" return Markup(template)
[docs] def format_nickname(value): return format_chat(value, isnick=True)
[docs] def format_channel(value): return format_chat(value, isnick=False)
[docs] def format_chat(value, isnick): url = urlparse(value) name = url.path.lstrip("/") if isnick: name = name.lstrip("@") elif not name and url.fragment: name = url.fragment scheme = url.scheme if not scheme: scheme = "irc" try: default_server = current_app.config["CHAT_NETWORKS"][scheme]["default_server"] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported chat protocol: '{scheme}'") server = url.netloc if url.netloc else default_server if scheme == "irc": protocol = "IRC" # href = f"irc://{server}/{name}" if isnick: href = f"{href},isnick" else: name = f"#{name}@{server}" elif scheme == "matrix": protocol = "Matrix" if isnick: name = f"@{name}" else: name = f"#{name}" # href = f"{name}:{server}" matrixto_args = current_app.config["CHAT_MATRIX_TO_ARGS"] if matrixto_args: href = f"{href}?{matrixto_args}" if server != default_server or not isnick: name += f":{server}" else: raise ValueError(f"Can't parse '{value}'") title = _("%(protocol)s on %(server)s", protocol=protocol, server=server) return Markup(f"""<a href="{href}" title="{title}">{name}</a>""")