Source code for noggin.utility.token

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from enum import Enum

import jwt
from flask import current_app

[docs] class Audience(Enum): """ In JWT the audience is a constant that must remain the same between the token creator and the token reader, as a way to prevent token re-use. The longer the string, the longer the token, so we try to keep it short because some tokens end up in URLs and that's limited. """ password_reset = "pr" email_validation = "ev" spam_check = "sc"
[docs] def make_token(data, audience, ttl=None): data["aud"] = audience.value if ttl is not None: data["exp"] = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=ttl) token = jwt.encode(data, current_app.config["SECRET_KEY"], algorithm="HS256") return token
[docs] def read_token(token, audience=None): return jwt.decode( token, current_app.config["SECRET_KEY"], algorithms=["HS256"], audience=audience.value, )
[docs] def make_password_change_token(user): lpc = user.last_password_change if lpc is not None: lpc = lpc.isoformat() return make_token( {"sub": user.username, "lpc": lpc}, audience=Audience.password_reset, )